T17-Red River Road Trip
posted 07/10/19
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Here are a few Dos and Donts for scouts, adults and siblings going on the upcoming Red River Road Trip:
Dodrink lots of water. Tonight. Tomorrow and all next week. Hydrationearly and oftenis one of the keys to a successful mountain ascent.
Dontdrink a lot of caffeinated or sugary drinks over the next 10 days or sodrink water insteadits delicious and refreshing.
Dobring extra money for healthy snacks and sundries during our travels. The Tooth of Time Traders store at Philmont Scout Ranch just might have a few things that you need
Dontsneak ANY snacks or candy or goodies in your gear to put into your tent. We are in bear country and we do not EVER have food or smell-ables in our tents while camping in bear country.
Dowash and dry your sleeping bag before you bring it on this trip if you enjoyed chips and or candy while in your sleeping bag last month at Worth Ranch. This will help keep the bears away.
Dontcome to the scout lodge next Tuesday July 16ththere will not be a meeting next week.
Domeet us at the scout lodge on Saturday morning at 7am so that we can load the last of our gear and hit the road by 8am.
Dontforget to bring your breakfast. When we leave the lodge we plan to make it a few hours before we stop for any bio needs.
Dobring any and all forms and paperwork on Saturday morning if you have not turned them in already.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Mr. Harveson
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