T17-Memorial Day Updates
posted 05/25/20
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First of all, especially on this Memorial Day, we are forever grateful for the ultimate sacrifice of those who died for the United States of America. May their courage and dedication will never be forgotten. Thank you also to all the families that participated in our campout this past weekend. I think everyone agreed that they needed to get out of the house and back in the outdoors. Camping on top of Kyle Mountain was a unique troop experience and providing service by restoring the Two Coyotes trail will be appreciated by campers for years to come. Ill have pictures posted on the troop website later today (available only for Troop 17 members). For our troop meeting tomorrow, Id like to have it at the Scout Lodge, weather permitting. If the rain continues or there is rain is forecast for the meeting time, we will have a virtual meeting only. Ill post a note by 3pm tomorrow to let you know if we can meet on the hill behind the building. Regardless of the weather, we will still start the Zoom meeting at 7:30. If we are able to be at the Scout Lodge, we will broadcast from there also so those that cannot attend in person can still be in the virtual meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/6620171717 Meeting ID: 662 017 1717 One tap mobile +13462487799,,6620171717# US (Houston) +16699006833,,6620171717# US (San Jose) Please keep June 14-21, our original summer camp week, held for a Troop 17 event. We are still putting together our plan but our intention is to camp at least part of that week! Speaking of rain...what a great opportunity this week could be to do some online training! Adults, many of our Youth Protection Training (YPT) certifications could be coming up for renewal as we approach our normal summer camp dates (which triggers many people to have to take it). Take the course at https://my.scouting.org. It is valid for two years. As physician offices are reopening, please work to get your sons (and your) BSA physical updated. Contact your physicians office, they may complete the form based on your sons last visit. We can only accept the BSA form (no UIL forms). The BSA medical form can be downloaded at https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf. For those going to Philmont, use this form https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_philmont.pdf (it has an additional risk advisory about Philmont). See you tomorrow! Mr. Turner
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