Troop 17 Updates and Reminders 10/14/10-Corrected
posted 10/14/10
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Another busy weekend (This version has Saturdays date corrected)... Saturday, October 16th 8:30 4:00. Matthew Richardsons Eagle Project at Paschal High School. Lunch will be served. Bring work gloves and yard tools. Boys needing service hours should definitely attend! Saturday, October 16th 11:00 7:00 (estimated). TCU Fundraiser. Game time 3:00pm, arrive at 11:00pm in Class B uniform with your T17 hat. Funds from this event will go towards enhancing the Troop bus to make it more Troop 17 worthy. There are currently 5 people signed up, we need 8 more! Contact David Taylor at 817-291-8786. Anyone attending the Eagle Project earlier in the day will be released early to go to this event. Tuesday, October 26th 7:30pm Troop Halloween Party at the Scary Male Scout Lodge Saturday, November 6th Worth Ranch work day. Come out and spend the day giving some time back to the first premier Boy Scout camp ever built. See Mr. Goldthwaite for details on how you can help. Tuesday, November 9th Philmont $250 deposit due for summer 2011 treks. Sign up online there are still slots available. Potential attendees should review this page Start preparing (physically) NOW. Friday November, 12th 14th Climbing campout at Worth Ranch Tuesday, November 16th Troop dues due. See for the full calendar. Thanks, Mr. Turner Scoutmaster, Troop 17
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