Troop 17 Updates and Reminders 10/25/2010
posted 10/25/10
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Tomorrow is the annual Halloween Party. Come dressed as anything but a Scout! - ok not *anything*, lets keep it decent. Patrols have goodies to bring - contact your patrol leader to find out what you are supposed to be brining. No Personal Management MB class on Tuesday. There will be a class on the 2nd. See Mr. Edmonds note below. November 6th is a Worth Ranch work day. See Mr. Goldthwaite for more information. November 12th-14th is our Climbing Campout. Plan on coming out and hanging around (ha!). Philmont deposits of $250 are due on November 9th. If you havent signed up online, do it today! We are just about full. We will be having a Philmont meeting shortly to discuss gear and expectations. Gear makes great Christmas presents. Thanks to everyone that has been participating in the fundraising efforts. Last game is 11/13 and it is already rumored to be a sell-out. This is during our campout so anyone not camping is strongly encouraged to see Mr. Taylor to volunteer. Ill have a financial update later. Thanks for your support, Mr. Turner [from Mr. Edmonds] Hey scouts, Remember no class on Tuesday, 27 October, have fun at the T-17 Halloween Party! We will have class the following Tuesday, 2 November. If Im able to schedule a guest speaker we may meet at 6:30 instead of 6:45, Ill let you know. You can be working on any and all requirements that we have discussed so far, you should know which ones they are. For those of you who have missed classes because of school or sickness I will try and schedule a make up class in November. KEEP WORKING ON THOSE BUDGETS!! Thanks, Mr. E
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