Meeting tonight + activities info
posted 04/20/21
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Scouts and Scouters,
Join us tonight at 7:30 at the Scout lodge. We will continue our preparation for the canoeing camp out on the weekend of May 1st. Adults, if you plan to join us on this scenic Brazos river trip, then please sign up at the Scout lodge so that we can coordinate the event logistics.
The cost for summer camp is $275 per scout. If you are able to pay then please send a check with your Scout tonight so that we can gather the funds to send to the Longhorn Council. Troop 17 would like for all scouts to attend if possible. If this is a financial burden, then please contact me as partial camperships are available for those in need. If you havent already done so, please sign up on the troop website. Scouts, its a good time to think about your merit badge choices.
The cost for the Red River trip for scouts and adults is $325. We have a strong crew of scouts attending. Please sign up on the troop website or email me if you plan to attend. We are also accepting payments for the Red River Trip.
This is an exciting time for our troop as high adventure awaits.
Mr. Virden
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