Summer camp information
posted 06/21/21
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Scouts and Scouters,
A few program notes. Please plan to arrive at 12:30 on Sunday at Worth Ranch. We will send out an email as soon as possible with our campsite information. Each car will need their own COVID arrival form. I will email this separately. At the check in station, the camp medic will check every persons temperature and will need all the COVID forms at that time.
There is also a luau on the schedule for Friday night dinner. Scouts are invited to wear their scout appropriate luau shirt to dinner.
Please bring those medical forms and to the meeting tomorrow. Mr. Brown is collecting them. If you need a troop 17 cap, socks or a gray t-shirt, then they are available for sale at the scout lodge tomorrow.
Patrol leaders, please call your patrols to remind them to bring various items on the food and drink list as well as a spice for the spice box. Please also help them select a tent partner.
We will load the troop trailer for camp tomorrow, so please wear your class B uniform to the meeting. That is all.
Mr. Virden
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