T17 - Updates, Reminders and New Information
posted 12/16/10
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Please review all the notes below TCU Holiday Service Project. We are meeting at 8:30am on Saturday at the SCOUT LODGE to go to Target on Eastchase to help with a group of kids from Dallas. They are shopping for Christmas presents for themselves. If you can attend, please register online or email me (showing up at 8:20 am would be fine also). We need to have a minimum of 10 people and a max of 20. We currently have 12. Troop 17 Christmas Party. December 21st is our Troop Party. Please bring a wrapped gift valued at $5 for the gift exchange. The Staff will be contacting the patrol leaders with patrol assignments for food and beverages. Newly Bridged Scouts. We need an up to date application completed for each boy to transfer you from your pack. Please download an application (http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/28-406.pdf) and bring it to the next meeting, or fill one out at the Scout Lodge. Patrol Leaders. Please be sure you have the contact information for your new Scouts. You will want to call them to remind them about the Christmas Party. Parents. We need more Merit Badge counselors in a variety of areas. If you have a vocation or advanced skills in a particular area, please let me know. I am looking for a Traffic Safety MB counselor for a special project early next year. MB counselors need to complete an adult application (http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/28-501F.pdf), a MB counselor application (http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34405.pdf) and take Youth Protection Training (available online). We depend on adults volunteering in this capacity so that the boys can earn Merit Badges. Blue Barrels. We have a fresh supply of blue barrels in the Scout Lodge. If you dont know what they are, ask your patrol leader. If you dont have one, please grab one on Tuesday. I think we can keep our supply line open for the rest of the year. Architecture MB Class. Scouts should finish their drawings and interviews by the end of the year. We will start up again on January 4th where we will firm up the design for the Scout Lodge remodel. Mr. Bogle has agreed to host a construction tour for the scouts. It is tentatively scheduled Tuesday, January 18th at 6:30. Parents can drop off at the site and we will bring them back to the Lodge (parents are welcome to stay). More information on that as the date gets closer. Philmont Candidates. The Philmont committee will be contacting you regarding your individual status shortly. For everyone interested, there will be a Philmont planning meeting at 6:30 on Tuesday, December 21st. We will discuss conditioning, preparations, and work on trek selections. See the next note for an opportunity to earn required service hours. Worth Ranch Work Day. Mr. Goldthwaite is leading several projects again at Worth Ranch on January 8th. All are welcome to attend to help get the Ranch ready for summer camp. Those going to Philmont should plan on attending to work towards your service project hours. No skills required. See Mr. Goldthwaite for more information. All of the above events are on the calendar on the Troops website. Im also working out the bugs to publish the calendar in the iCal format so that you can subscribe to it with your iPhone or other compatible device. Expect that by the end of the year. Everyone. For those travelling over the holidays, please take care and be safe. From the Turner family to all of you, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Mr. Turner
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