Troop 17 events
posted 11/29/21
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This week will be eventful. Tomorrow we will welcome 7 new Weblos from Pack 350. They will be bridging tomorrow at 6:30. Please make them feel welcome as they join us at our meeting. Many of them will be camping with us this weekend.
Speaking of our campout, we will head to the McClure Property at Worth Ranch on Friday for the annual Flour Wars campout. Please bring your permission slips and 20 bucks to the meeting tomorrow and hand them to your patrol leader. Patrol leaders, plan for extra new scouts to join the ranks.
Tomorrow at 6pm we will need 8 to 10 scouts to meet at University Christian Church to help Mr. Bogle and the Tri Delta Sorority break down boxes for their Cookies for Castles event. Patrol leaders, please contact your scouts to find some helpers. This will count as service hours for rank advancement.
Thanks, Mr. Virden
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