T17 - Quick Update
posted 01/11/11
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Normal meeting tonight, Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 7:30pm. At 6:45 the Architecture MB class will be having a makeup class at the Scout Lodge. If you missed a class, come tonight with your materials to catch up. They will also be having a construction site visit on January 23rd just after the Greenbar campout attendees return (in theory, at 2:00 pm). More info on that later. On Sunday, January 30th, we will be attending services at St. Stephen for Scout Sunday. We will also be having a bake sale fundraiser. Get those recipes out and bake some delicious treats to sell that morning. Last year we had an outstanding turn out. Traditional Scout Sunday is February 6th this year. I would also encourage you to contact your church to see how they will honor the day. Please wear your full class A uniform for both days. From Mr. Edmonds: Hey scouts of PMMB, Its been about a month since my last e-mail and I hope everyone has made progress with all the requirements. You may turn in your notebooks at anytime, remember the sooner the better! I had planned to have a representative from the Johnson OConner Research Foundation at St. Stephen on the 11th, but their scheduling still has not lined up. (they have been very busy testing college students during the winter break). I will be at the regular scout meeting on Tuesday with info from JOCRF for you and will continue to try and schedule a meeting with them later in the month. If you are finished with all the requirements you may bring your complete notebooks to me for my review. I will be available for your questions. ps. You have about a month left to finish everything. Do Not Procrastinate! From Mr. Goldthwaite, Please extend my thanks to every one from Troop 17 who helped with the Worth Ranch Work Day Saturday. The outpouring of support by Troop 17 Scouts and Scouters was huge! 25 of the 96 at the work day were from Troop 17. A great deal was accomplished to prepare the camp for next summer and Troop 17 made it possible. I am very proud to wear the purple cap. Thank you, Mr. Turner
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