T17 - Updates and New Parents Meeting Reminder
posted 03/22/11
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Please excuse my delay in reminding everyone of the new parents meeting tonight at 7:00 pm. We will meet at the Scout Lodge and possibly move up the hill depending on how many parents show up. Other upcoming events: This weekend - Cycling campout at Mineral Wells State Park. Be sure to bring your permission slip (available on the website) and money TONIGHT. Be sure to check the website blogs for more information on merit badge classes. Friday, April 1st, Pack 21 Pinewood Derby - I could use up to 5 Scouts to help at UCC between 6p and 9p. This is a great way to earn service hours and help recruit for the Troop! Saturday, April 2nd, Worth Ranch Work Day - Here are two links for ANYONE wishing to attend the April 2nd work day at Worth Ranch (Philmont 2011 crews need the service hours!) Registration form for the work day as well as a list of the planned projects - http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e3cbp3by9026bed2&llr=8ka7rqeab Worth Ranch Web Page for the Work Day http://www.worthranch.com/wrcomm.html The work in the Davis Campsite will continue on April 2nd with the preparation of tent platform sites, to be finished with the concrete pour on May 7th. There is a lot to do in the Davis Campsite on the next two work days. The concrete tent platforms are only one piece of the project. Another major project which will require a lot of time and effort is the removal of soil pressing against the back side of the building. The soil has eroded to the point that it has washed against the back wall of the building about three feet up. Rain runoff flowing down the hill now enters through the rear windows of the building... The soil is that high. This project will involve wheel barrows and shovels to dig out the soil and rock behind the building and relocate it along the western edge of the campsite behind the two new platform sites. (Think great wall of dirt with rocks on top..) Anyone with a wheel barrow and shovel can make a significant contribution. Wednesday, April 6th, Troop Committee meeting 7:30 pm Friday, April 29th to May 1st, Canoeing Campout on the Brazos! Friday, May 20th to May 22nd, Rocketry Campout at Worth Ranch Sunday, June 19th to June 24th, Summer Camp at Worth Ranch (yes, it is that close already). See you tonight, Mr. Turner
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