Troop 17 News you can use
posted 11/06/22
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Scouts and Scouters,
On Wednesday, November 15th, Mr. Sweek will lead an information session about the troop trip to the Florida National High Adventure Sea Base in the summer of 2024. Scouts and Parents are welcome to attend. We will meet prior to our regular meeting on that day.
Troop 17 will attend summer camp at Worth Ranch again this year during the week of June 11th through June 17th. This is an excellent opportunity to attend a historic summer camp program, earn merit badges and enjoy troop fellowship. The cost for the week is $350. Please sign up on the troop website.
The Flaming Arrow patrol, winner of the honor patrol award will have a pizza party celebrating the award this Tuesday at 7pm at the scout lodge. Please come hungry.
Mr. Virden
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