T17 - Updates and Questions
posted 03/29/11
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Hopefully everyone enjoyed the Cycling Campout at Lake Mineral Wells State Park. We had 41 Scouts and a record 17 adults attend. For many of the campers, this was their first time attending a T17 campout. SUMMER CAMP - if you are planning on attending Summer camp, please reply, register online, or let your patrol leader know TODAY. We need to get a count to make a deposit tomorrow. Summer camp is June 19th-25th at Worth Ranch. Cost will be around $225 for Scouts and $20 per day for adults. This is an outstanding opportunity to earn merit badges and camp at Worth Ranch. We can finalize the attendee list as we get closer, but we need to have an estimate to make our deposit tomorrow! Speaking of Worth Ranch - the Worth Ranch workday is this Saturday, April 2nd. Breakfast is served between 7:30 and 8:30. There are plenty of tasks with a variety of skill levels. If you have a pulse, you can help. Please register online or see Mr. Goldthwaite in person. He will have a signup sheet tonight. PHILMONT CREWS, this is an outstanding opportunity for you to work together on a project. Crew Leaders should arrange attendees. Troop 17 has been working on improvements in the Davis campsite. Shovels and wheelbarrows are needed this weekend. SERVICE HOURS If you need service hours or would just like to work with Cub Scouts, there is a Pinewood Derby Race Friday night at 6:30pm at University Christian Church. If you are interested in helping, please reply. I need about 5 Scouts to help. MEDICAL FORMS There are two new medical forms this year, both available on our website http://forms.troop17.net and both require a physicians signature. Regular Medical Form for Scouts and Adults participating with the Troop: http://forms.troop17.net/forms/RegularMedForm.pdf. This will need to be completed BEFORE Summer Camp Philmont Medical Form for those attending Philmont: http://forms.troop17.net/forms/PhilmontMedForm.pdf. This form must be completed prior to departure for Philmont. TONIGHT - Personal fitness MB: Meeting 29 March at 6:45. We will cover reqs 4 and 5 and pick up the remaining workout routines. If you dont turn workout routine in tonight, you may not be able to finish the merit badge until next year. Remember what Mr. Edmonds taught you in Pers Mgmt about procrastination? Architecture MB: Bring your notebooks and blue cards at 7:00 for final signoff. See you tonight! Mr. Turner
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