Kandersteg update
posted 03/27/23
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Troop 17 families,
Great news about the Kandersteg trip - the fundraising is going well with the garage sale bring in approximately $5,800. A big thank you to Allyson and all of the volunteers who worked hard to make this happen. This brings our total Kandersteg fundraising to $27,000. We will have one more restaurant fundraiser which should finish out this program
I am now much more confident that the trip cost will be approximately $3,400 (we originally estimated between $3,000-$3,500). We still have more bills to pay and some currency rates to deal with so not completely final yet. If youre looking ahead to how much you may need to pay beyond the air ticket and $500 deposit, I would budget around $200 as we will have some transit expenses for meals, snacks and miscellaneous that we may need to collect at the beginning of summer.
Now for next steps: the paperwork.
For Kandersteg we need copies of the following 4 items for all registered participants both scouts and adults:
front page of passport
insurance card (you will need this for summer camp so make 2 copies)
BSA pre-participation physical (requires physician sign off, same one you need for summer camp, so make 2 copies)
Activity consent form https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/19-673.pdf
We will have an envelope in the scout lodge until April 25 for you to drop off these forms at the scout lodge during the Tuesday scout meeting. This gives you 5 weeks to bring your forms. Because these may take some scheduling and planning, start working on these now to meet the deadline.
As always, if you have any questions please contact me at bisgur@hotmail.com or (817) 821-5158
Ben Isgur
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