T17 - Weekend Reminders
posted 05/06/11
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Several reminders... Saturday, 8a-4p - Worth Ranch Work Day. We only have 14 people signed up to work. This is the last workday to prepare for The Big Adventure. Troop 17 will be completing our upgrades and enhancements to the Davis campsite. There are plenty of things to do, no skills required. Meet at the old dining hall for breakfast at 7:30a or at the Davis campsite after 8:30a. More info at http://www.worthranch.com/wrcomm.html. Tuesday, May 10th, we will distribute flyers for our summer US Flag fundraiser. Please just be in your normal full Class A uniform and be on time to the Scout meeting. PARENTS, PLEASE SIGN THE PERMISSION SHEET WHEN YOU DROP OFF YOUR SCOUT ON TUESDAY or print a new slip and send it signed with your Scout http://forms.troop17.net/forms/Permission%20Slip%20-%20Generic.pdf Thursday, May 12th, Philmont crews should meet at the Scout Lodge for a gear check at 7:00 pm. Friday, May 13th CPR Training, Saturday and Sunday, May 14th and 15th - BSA Wilderness First Aid Basics course (WFAB). CPR certification required for the WFA course. WFAB cost $135 and will be from 8-6 on both days at St. Andrew Church, 917 Lamar, downtown. Email aggiescouter@charter.net to register. Philmont crews need at least 2 adults trained in WFA. For others, this is an outstanding course and I highly recommend you attend. May 20th-22nd, Canoeing the Brazos! Keep an eye out for the poop sheet and permission slip for this annual event. Sorry I missed the meeting on Tuesday. I had to travel for work at the last minute. I hope to see many of you tomorrow at Worth or on Tuesday night. Mr. Turner
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