Worth Ranch is TWO WEEKS away!
posted 06/04/11
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Can you believe it? The Big Adventure at Worth Ranch is only two weeks away! Parents and Scouts, the gear list and information sheet has been posted to the website http://www.troop17.net under "Campout Info" on the front page. Please read it thoroughly! You will also receive an individual email for the status of your shirt orders and medical form. A financial update will be coming early next week. Once again, it is only TWO weeks away. There are only a handful of valid medical forms on file. Scouts MUST have a valid medical form on file to attend. A medical form is valid if it signed off by a physician within the last 12 months. FORMS FROM LAST YEAR WILL NOT WORK. If you need a form, you can download one from http://forms.troop17.net. If you have not ordered shirts, please get them ordered as soon as possible. We need a shirt size for everyone attending WR. You will need a plain white t-shirt and the following Troop shirts - 2008 WR light green, 2009 WR blue, 2010 WR orange, and the standard grey Troop 17 class B shirt. We have some of these at the lodge that you can buy. What we dont have, we will order for you. We need all shirt orders complete Tuesday night. We still have some open slots if you havent decided to attend. We need to get our final number to the camp next week. Scouts - this is the biggest event of the year and a great time to make new friends in the Troop! If you are new to the Troop, I strongly suggest you attend. This is also a great opportunity to earn merit badges! If you have any questions, ask the Senior Patrol Leader or one of the Assistance Scout Masters. Thank you, Mr. Turner
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