T17 - Events of the Week
posted 06/13/11
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Tuesday is Flag Day and we will be putting up flags in the Tanglewood neighborhood for our summer fundraiser. Meet at 3204 Sweetbriar at 7am and 7pm to help with the flags. If we have enough people in the evening, we should be able to get to the Scout meeting on time. Tuesday at 6:30pm, the Personal Fitness MB class will meet. Tuesday night is our normal Troop meeting at 7:30pm. Volunteers are needed to help with tree cutting to replenish our lumber for Worth Ranch. Sign up at the Scout Lodge Tuesday night. We will go out Thursday morning meet at the Scout Lodge at 7:30 am. It will take several hours. Volunteers should bring saws and water. Wear gloves, gators, and hiking boots. PARENTS and Scouts are needed. Thursday night at Backwoods, there is a free seminar "Packing Light for Philmont Scout Ranch" from 6:30p - 8:30p. These guys are the experts. Sunday is the day! The Big Adventure starts with you and your Scout arriving at Worth Ranch at Noon. Scouts should wear their full class A uniform with their swimsuit on underneath. All the information you need is on the website under Campout Info (www.troop17.net) Several of you have not updated your medical forms or provide shirt sizes. I need shirt sizes and orders (if you need some of the old shirts) from the following people ASAP! - DeVijlder, Stephen; Lyles, Philip; Manning, Henry; Manning, Heyward; Payne, Martin; Satz, Peter; Smith, Aiden; Wicker, Jackson; Edmonds, Allen; Peterson, Bill; and Lyles, Keith. Thank you, Mr. Turner
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