Troop Updates and Reminders - August 26, 2009
posted 08/27/09
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We had a great meeting last night with 48 scouts in attandence. Keep it up! The Order of the Arrow Ordeal is this coming weekend, August 28-30. If you need a ride, please contact Mr. Duke at 817-247-6850 or by replying to this email. We would like to arrive about the same time so we can be assigned to the same tribe. Our first campout is fast approaching on the weekend of September 11-13. Plan to join us and knock the summer rust off! Mr. Edmonds will be starting Personal Management merit badge class next week, September 1, 2009 at :45 PM at the Scout Lodge. He asks that scouts be 14 years old and First Class or above. The next flag day is Labor day on Sept 7. As a reminder to any new scouts we set the flags up at 07:00 and take down at 19:00. We meet at Roger Normans house at 3204 Sweetbriar 76109. September 30 we have the opportunity to have a concession booth at the Cotton Bowl for an international soccer doubleheader. We need 25 individuals to volunteer for this event. Please contact David Taylor at to sign up. The one day candy blitz has been moved from the day after Thanksgiving to December 5. Please plan to help with this fundraiser for Kandersteg. For your convenience, a revise calendar is attached. We have had several families inquire as to the details of the Kandersteg trip. We plan to have a flyer available in the next week or two but we offer the following summary. We expect to depart DFW July 3 or 4 and return between July 11 and 13. We expect to fly into an airport in either Italy or Germany and take the train into Switzerland, possibly hosteling one night en route. Our arrival date at Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC) is July 5, 2010. The program will be developed for the Scouts. We plan to camp in tents and have our food served dining hall style. Activities may include events such as hiking in the Alps, international patrol competitions, team building exercises, whitewater rafting, touring nearby towns, etc. We plan to coordinate most of our activities through KISC to take advantage of their pricing structure and relationships with area tours. The current cost estimate is $2,600 per person and is all inclusive (excluding passport costs, souvenirs and personal items) but this is an extremely conservative estimate and we expect the actual cost to be less; we will not know how much less until we complete our airline reservations and have a better handle on ground transportation. Regarding advancement, I have had several scouts and parents express disappointment in their rate of advancement. Nobody is more frustrated with these difficulties than I am. However, it is important that scouts who wish to have a Scoutmaster Conference or Board of Review be at the regular Tuesday meeting, in full Class A uniform, with a completed green card. There have been meetings that I have attempted to hold Scoutmaster Conferences with Scouts only to find they were not at the meeting, or were not in uniform, or either did not have their green card or their green card was incomplete. I would like to be able to recognize all of the scouts who have pending advancement for having completed their advancement at the Court of Honor on September 22. To this end, I have enlisted the help of Assistant Scoutmasters to assist me in completing the backlog of Scoutmaster Conferences. We ask that parents be available during meetings over the next 2 weeks and on the upcoming campout to participate in Boards of Review. Finally, I would ask that scouts and adults wishing to speak with me regarding matters not directly related to advancement of scouts or the program of the troop please plan to meet with me either before or after the meeting. Your in Scouting, Mr. Duke Scoutmaster Troop 17
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