Parents Meeting notes
posted 02/26/25
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DATES and PHILMONT DATES Mr. Lunsford welcomed everyone to the meeting. He discussed the upcoming campouts this year and next year. He also referenced the google calendar found at This calendar will be updated in the near future with the 25/26 year campouts. The calendar also will include all the Eagle Scout projects, campouts, meetings and other items as we continue to tighten up the calendar. Finally, we will have our next Court of Honor on 03/25/2025. Mr. Turner covered the new troop policy. This can be found at While many items were covered, the main point is the partnership between adult leadership, youth and parents to ensure our troop continues to be a safe place for everyone involved. Mr. Lunsford then spoke about the open leadership positions in the troop. Your child needs to have leadership positions starting with their advancement to 1st Class. This is key for not only your child as they move through the ranks of scouting, but also for the troop to keep running smoothly as we are a boy lead troop. Open positions are below: Historian Scribe OA representative Den Chief (recruiting) Librarian Webmaster Outdoor Ethics Guide If your child would like to fill one of these roles, please have them reach out to any adult leader for more information. Next, Mr. Sweek spoke about volunteering and the roles that are available not only in Troop 17 as well as district and council positions. Many parents have talked about wanting to support and there are many ways you can support Troop 17. Finally, the adult leaders talked about the near term high adventure trips we plan to take. Mr. Rakita talked about the Red River trip happening July 19 July 27. This will include primitive camping, hiking a 13000 foot mountain, white water rafting, and many other activities. The estimated cost will be around $450. There will be information and payment schedules provided in the near future. Mr. Walters discussed the Philmont trek happening July 19 31. This is around $1900 per child. They must be 1st Class and 14 to be allowed to go on the trek. This trek happens every other year so if you are worried about your child missing Philmont, there will be other opportunities for them. There is a $150 deposit due to the troop as soon as possible. One point was mentioned about camperships. We have supporting organizations that provide camperships. We stress that we do not want our scouts to miss an activity due to financial reasons. If you would like more information about camperships, please talk with Mr. Lunsford.
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