Personal Management Merit Badge
posted 08/30/09
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Personal Management Merit Badge will begin Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 6:30pm. This Eagle Required MB is offered once a year and is open to scouts who are at least 14 and First Class or higher. However, if you are close to either one of these requirements, please come to this first meeting so we can talk. Please purchase the pamphlet, read through the requirements as well as the section on Planning Your Time, beginning on page 45. Be prepared to discuss. You will also need to bring a paper folder with brads and pockets. Please have notebook paper in the folder and dont forget to bring a pen (that works!) Personal Management is a difficult MB that takes self-discipline over time, however the end results are worth it! My standards are high so be prepared to work and participate in class discussions. If you have been in my class before and for some reason did not finish or never brought me a blue card to sign, show up on Tuesday so we can talk. Thanks, Mr. E
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