T17 - Participation
posted 09/20/11
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I think it may be a good time to remind the Scouts about our participation requirements. To be eligible to advance in rank, the Troop requires a minimum of 50% participation across all the different types of events we do. This includes meetings, camping, service projects and even fundraising. I bring this to your attention at this point because we are having difficulty getting volunteers to work the TCU games this year. There are 7 games (including TX/OU) with only one overlapping a campout weekend. These are great events for Scouts to attend. In addition to earning money for the Troop, they get to interact with the public and represent the Boy Scouts in a very public venue. The fans that come to our stand include Troop 17 alumni and other former Scouts. We also have a summer fundraiser where we post the American Flag throughout the Tanglewood neighborhood. We would like to expand this into more areas next year, but I am concerned that we will not be able to get the volunteers to help out when we need it. If we do the math, we should have plenty of help. We have roughly 65 active Scouts and 15 or so events a year. By asking people to meet the 50% minimum, we should have around 30 Scouts at every event! I know this is not realistic, but we still need more volunteers! This past weekend we raised over $500. If we had a couple of more Scouts, we could have potentially raised at least another $100. This is all money that goes directly back in the Troop to offset travel costs and long term camps. We have an announcement coming soon about our summer 2012 high adventure trip and money raised now will help offset those costs too! We have such a great core group of volunteers. What we need is your Scouts (and some adults) to sign up to help out at these games. Please sign up online or at any of the meetings. We only have 3 Scouts signed up for this weekend and NO SCOUTS signed up for the next two games. Adults can see Mr. Taylor for more information and Scouts should see Adam Turner. Information is also online at http://forms.troop17.net/TCU2011.pdf. Thank you for your support, Mr. Turner
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