Updates and Reminders - September 4, 2009
posted 09/06/09
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Monday is Labor Day and Labor Day is a flag day. As a reminder, we set the flags up at 07:00 and take down at 19:00. We meet at Roger Normans house at 3204 Sweetbriar 76109. Our first campout is next weekend. We will camp at SR2 and knock off the rust we gathered during the summer. This will be a great opportnity to wrap up those last few requirements and get that Scoutmaster conference youve waited so long for. Poop sheets and permission slips were handed out at the meeting Tuesday night. If you didnt get yours or they didnt make it home, they are available at www.troop17.net. Just click on campout information. Please bring your completed permission slip and money (IN CASH) to the meeting Tuesday. It is time to begin getting commitments regarding the Cotton Bowl Fundraisers. They are Sept 30, a Wednesday night double header soccer game, and Oct 17, Texas/OU. Scouts are encouraged to work the TX/OU game to help themselves raise money for THEIR trip. Earl Johnson has begun the asking process. Parents, please bring your calendar to next meeting so you will be in better position to make a commitment. Please be patient if you are repeatedly asked because we get tentative answers from so many people that we can not keep everybody straight. We expect to make some pretty good money on these events so I hope more will commit. Speaking of good money, we got our first Rangers checks in he mail and we are averaging over $500 earned per game! Way to go! For Scouts in Mr. Edmonds Personal Management Merit Badge class, an email about next weeks class was sent earlier today. Patrol Leaders and Staff: There will be a greenbar meeting at 6:30 next Tuesday. If you cant attend, send your assistant. Dont forget the Court of Honor September 22. The whole family is invited as we recognize all the advancement of the summer and we will have more Kandersteg information. Finally, we may have found the bus for us! The only problem is that is costs $15,000 more than we have raised so far. If you or anyone you know might be willing to donate to the Harry Male Youth Foundation for the new bus, please contact Mr. Duke directly. A correction to a previous message: Isaac Manning also passed the spring Ordeal and is a new Arrowman. Congratulations. Have a safe Labor Day weekend ... and set up those flags. James Duke Scoutmaster Troop 17
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