T17 - Weekend Reminders and Summer Camp
posted 05/25/12
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Remember that Monday is our first Flag Fundraising holiday. We meet on Sweetbriar Lane in the Tanglewood area at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm to put out flags in the neighborhood for Memorial Day. If you are available to help in the morning or afternoon (or both), please come in your Class B uniform. This is a great service we provide the neighborhood. Also this weekend, Mr. Goldthwaite will be heading to Worth Ranch to work on our Program Building to ensure that it is secure and safe for Summer Camp. If you can assist, please contact him directly. Speaking of SUMMER CAMP - it is ALMOST HERE! Several reminders... Scouts must turn in a BSA medical form signed by a physician (within the last 12 months) PRIOR to attending camp. We need to turn these in to the camp medical staff the Wednesday before we attend camp. Please get them in NOW! We also need everyones payment. Total cost is $225. The Summer Camp Poop sheet and gear list have been posted online. Go to http://forms.troop17.net/SummerCamp2012.pdf to download it. IF YOU NEED GEAR, talk to one of the OF or visit REI, Backwoods, or your favorite outfitter. REI is currently having their largest sale of the year (through Monday). They are online at www.rei.com or at I635 and the Tollway in Dallas. Backwoods, our favorite local store, is at 2727 W. 7th Street or online at www.backwoods.com. Backwoods gives a Scout discount for certain items so be sure to ask for it! We will be getting shirt orders out later this weekend so be sure to watch for that. Until then, be looking for your previous years Summer Camp shirts and decide if you can still fit in them and if they are still fit to wear. Thanks, Mr. Turner
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