PMMB Class
posted 09/15/09
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Hey PMMB scouts, How does it feel to be "taking control of your life"? If you are beginning to use some of the tips offered in the Planning Your Time section, then you must be feeling pretty good by now! If not, well you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. OK, our next class will be this coming Tuesday, 15 September, same time same place. We will continue to review the section on Preparing a Budget and begin the section on Being a Smart Shopper. I would like to see how your budget is set up, use the example on pp. 22-23. It will be a couple of weeks before we meet again, so it is VERY IMPORTANT that you begin requirement #2 and bring it to class on Tuesday. NO EXCUSES, NO PROCRASTINATION!!! Please read pp. 12-19 in your pamphlet. We will discuss this section and Requirement #1. So, after our third meeting you will; be able to begin writing out requirement #1, have brought to me for approval the beginning outline of your budget, and you can complete requirement #8 at any time now (the sooner, the better). Now, I realize thats a lot of work for two weeks, but I know you guys are up to the task. Thank you, Mr. E
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