T17 - Summer Camp Shirt Orders
posted 05/29/12
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During summer camp, we all wear the same shirts daily as part of our Class B uniform. If you need any of these shirts, you will need to order them TONIGHT. They are $5 each. Sunday - Grey T17 shirt Monday - Blue 2009 WR shirt Tuesday - Orange 2010 WR shirt Wednesday - Tan 2011 WR shirt Thursday - Plain white t-shirt (any plain white T will work - we will paint the super frog logo on the back) Friday - New WR shirt for this year (we will order one for everyone attending camp) Saturday - Grey T17 shirt With the mild winter this year, I would expect the bug population to be larger this summer. Instructions for building a mosquito net for your cot are available online at http://forms.troop17.net/forms/Summer_Camp_Bug_Net_Directions.pdf. Talk to your patrol leader about their experience with building one and using one at camp. See you tonight, Mr. Turner
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