T17 - Welcome to 2013
posted 01/07/13
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News to start off 2013... (bad news first) Dues are due! Please bring $25 for Troop dues for 2013. Registered adults are $35. Please bring a check made out to Troop 17 or cash money. We need this in the office by January 16th. Philmont payment is due. Your next payment of $250 is due by January 23rd. The first crew meetings will be scheduled shortly after that. Please refer to my last Philmont news at http://www.troop17.net/docs_public/newsreaderfull.asp?id=325 for additional information. Also be sure that you have the February backpacking campout marked on your calendar. All Philmont candidates are expected to be on this campout. (now on to other news) There is a new medical form for 2013. As your Scouts (and adults) have their annual checkups, please have your physician complete the NEW form. It can be downloaded at http://forms.troop17.net/forms/MedicalForm2013.pdf. There is also a frequently asked questions document available at http://forms.troop17.net/forms/MedicalForm2013FrequentlyAskedQuestions.pdf. All participants should complete parts A and B. For anyone attending Summer Camp, Philmont, or Troop 17 summer trips, part C must be completed. I would highly encourage EVERYONE to complete part C. This is for your own safety. The current forms that we have on file should be replaced with the new forms as they expire (medical forms are only valid for one year). If you need to know when your form expires, please check at a Scout meeting. We have scheduled the next Troop Court of Honor for February 5th. Parents and family members are strongly encouraged to attend. We will also have our annual Friends of Scouting presentation during this event. Information will be available that evening and at http://www.longhorncouncil.org/Info/Support-Scouting/FOS.aspx. The spring 2013 Family Life merit badge class will have its first meeting in two weeks, on January 22th. If you are interested in earning it, you will need to purchase a 3-brad report folder with a clear cover and the Family Life merit badge book. - Mr. Peterson January 26th is Pack 350s Pinewood Derby. If you will not be going to the Green Bar campout, they could always use some additional help running the derby. More on that as the date approaches. Greenbar invitations have been sent to the primary email address for each Scout. Parents, that means you may have not gotten the message directly. PARENTS - we could use several volunteers for Friday, January 25th to help the Scouts shop for the Greenbar campout. We do this as an instructional exercise. If you have waited around for an hour or more for your Scouts to shop for their weekend campout food, this is the time for you to make a difference! We will go over to Walmart near Ridgemar Mall as soon as the trailer is packed. We shop and then head to Worth Ranch from there. We will be giving them their ingredient lists for the weekend. I am really looking forward to a great 2013. Thank you for all your support! Mr. Turner
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