T17 - Hello February
posted 02/04/13
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Some calendar reminders below. Remember that all our events can be found on our website http://www.troop17.net/calendarnew.asp. You can also subscribe by clicking on the ICAL link on the calendar site. Follow your devices or softwares instructions on how to subscribe. Tuesday, 2/5 - 6:45 PM Parents meeting to discuss Eagle Scout requirements, projects and timelines. At St. Stephen in the Sanctuary. Tuesday, 2/5 - 7:30 PM Troop Court of Honor - parents are strongly encouraged to attend. We will also have our annual Friends of Scouting presentation. At St. Stephen in the Sanctuary. Wednesday, 2/6 - 7:30 PM Troop Committee Meeting - this is the business meeting of the Troop. At the Scout Lodge. Sunday, 2/10 - 10:15 AM Troop bake sale - please bring priced baked goods for sale before and after the 11:00 am church service. At St. Stephen in the Sanctuary. Sunday, 2/10 - 10:50 AM Scout Sunday at St. Stephen - please come and be honored by the Church for being in Scouts - Full Class A uniform. Sunday, 2/10 - 12:10 PM - Troop bake sale immediately following the service. Tuesday, 2/12 - 7:30 PM - Troop meeting. Friday, 2/15 - 5:30 PM - Depart for Backpacking campout. (Poop sheet posted online) Sunday, 2/17 - 3:00 PM - Return from Backpacking campout - exact time TBD. June 16-22, Summer Camp at Worth Ranch June 26-July 12 (dates approximate) - Philmont 2011! July 2014 - Troop High Adventure Trip to Central America - more details coming soon. Other reminders... Be sure you are getting health forms update - all forms must be signed by a physician within the past 12 months. New form can be downloaded at http://forms.troop17.net/forms/MedicalForm2013.pdf Friends of Scouting information can be found at http://www.longhorncouncil.org/Info/Support-Scouting/FOS.aspx The Longhorn Councils statement on the recent media reports regarding membership policies can be found at http://www.longhorncouncil.org/Home-of-the-Texas-High-Adventure-Base-and-Boy-Scou/documents/ImportantLetter_02022013.aspx Thanks to everyone that came out to the Eagle Project on Saturday - the school was ecstatic about what we did! Annual dues, including $10 dues for OA members can be paid at any meeting. We need to get $35/Scout and $25/adults in as soon as possible. Thank you to everyone that has already paid. See you Tuesday, Mr. Turner
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