T17 - For Parents...
posted 02/11/13
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Mr. Edmonds will be at the Scout meeting Tuesday to collect pledges or donations for anyone else that is interested in donating to Friends of Scouting. More information about Friends of Scouting can be found at http://www.longhorncouncil.org/uploads/bd/bd371c9d-12ef-4ee5-ba48-5bbaa347cb73.pdf and http://www.longhorncouncil.org/Info/Support-Scouting/FOS.aspx. On behalf of the Troop Committee, I would like to share with you the link to the statement from the Longhorn Council regarding recent media reports around Boy Scouts of Americas membership policies. It can be found at http://www.longhorncouncil.org/uploads/35/35249381-0202-457c-975b-92225e7c6bed.pdf. They list several methods to send feedback - email: feedback@scouting.org, phone: 972-580-2000, web: http://www.scouting.org/contactus.aspx, or postal mail: Boy Scouts of America, National Council, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX, 75015-2079. At the Court of Honor, I passed out a list of the 130 Merit Badges that the BSA has created. They can be found at http://forms.troop17.net/bsa_merit_badges.pdf. The MB requirements can be found on our website (after logging in). We are looking for Troop 17 adults that can be Merit Badge Counselors. Think of the MB counselor role as that of a coach. Scouts are responsible for completing the requirements themselves. Some merit badges can be "taught" in a classroom like environment and others would not require any special meetings other than the discussions with you as the counselor. I think that another way we can differentiate ourselves from other troops is through the variety of merit badges that we offer, right here at the troop level. If you are willing to be a coach, and possibly help a Scout find their future calling in life, please drop me an email. We have had 3 new counselors sign up already. Philmont Advisors (adults attending Philmont) are all required to complete a Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course prior to attending. CPR training is also a pre-requisite for the WFA course. The course certifications are only good for 2 years so if you went prior to Philmont in 2011, you will have to be recertified before attending again. The Trinity Trails district is offering the 16 hour training course in March, April, May and June (dont wait until June!). The flyer can be downloaded at http://www.jdwdsites.net/trinitytrails/Training/WFA_Flyer_Spring2013.pdf. Please be sure that you have plans to attend. You will not be permitted to participate on your trek without this training. If your or your Scouts dues are not turned in, please send a check on Tuesday ($35 scouts/$25 adults). Adults participating in events with the Troop must also have an up to date Youth Protection Training. If you have recently taken the training (required every 2 years), please bring a copy of your certificate to the Scout lodge for our records. Thank you all for your support! Mr. Turner
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