T17 - Weekly Updates
posted 02/25/13
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Merit Badge Updates Space Exploration MB - We will have our 2nd first Space Exploration Merit Badge class, Tuesday February 26th at 6:45pm in the Scout Lodge. Please bring your merit badge book, pen/pencil and paper to take notes. See you there! Mr. Rekieta Citizenship in the Community MB - Mr. Key will be at the lodge at 6:30pm Tuesday to give an orientation for the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge. If you are interested in taking this MB, please try to be there to get started. If you cannot make this time, please see Mr. Key. Family Life MB - The FLMB is not formally meeting this week, but I will be at the scout lodge from 7 pm until 9 pm to answer any questions or sign off on any requirements that need approval. -Mr. Peterson Other Calendar Updates Tuesday - Troop Meeting - 7:30 - in your full uniform, as usual! Saturday, March 2 - Troop Fundraiser and Event - Pack 350 Blue and Gold Banquet. Arrival time is 2:30 pm with dinner starting at 5:15pm. Full class A uniform with Troop Hat. See more information about the LASAGNAS we need at http://forms.troop17.net/. This is an excellent opportunity to meet with Cub Scouts and their parents. This is also another Troop Fundraiser. We have very few of these left this year and there are still some Scouts that have not participated in ANY of our fundraising events. If you have not participated yet, please remember that this counts towards your participation rating (remember that 50% rule?!). Saturday, March 9 - Trinity Trails Pinewood Derby - we are running this event again this year with Pack 350. This is a SERVICE PROJECT and yet another opportunity to interact with Cub Scouts from across our district. We will also have a Scout Only "Outlaw" race after the event (please RSVP if you are interested in the Outlaw race). We setup and race from 8am - noon. We will need people throughout this time to help! Please see Mr. Turner. Friday, March 22-24 - Rocketry Campout - Please remember that all rockets must be inspected by Mr. Rekieta prior to the campout. Watch for Hobby Lobbys 40% off coupon online to get a discount on a rocket and engines! I purchased my rocket already - have you? One other recurring reminder - please be sure that we are getting up to date medical forms as you have your annual checkups. Be sure to use the NEW form available at http://forms.troop17.net. Medical forms are only valid for one year. Beat the summer rush at your doctors office and get yours signed now :). Mr. Turner
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