Updates and Reminders - October 2, 2009
posted 10/02/09
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Weve received numerous emails regarding Kandersteg deposits that were due yesterday. Evie Richardson and Joe Mireles are collecting these deposits. You may contact them to make your deposit this weekend or you may bring your deposit to the meeting on Tuesday. OCTOBER 6 IS YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO RESERVE FOR THE KANDERSTEG TRIP. By now your Scout(s) should have told you that the October canoeing campout was moved to avoid some major conflicts. The new date is October 23-25, 2009 for the canoeing campout. Please update your calendars. We need volunteers (Scouts) aged 14+ to work the concession stand for TX/OU on October 17. Finally, the final OA Ordeal will be October 9-11 at Camp Tahuaya. If you know of anyone who has not completed their Ordeal, let them know that this should be the last opportunity to complete it this year or risk being reelected. Anyone interested in completing their Brotherhood should also be encouraged to attend. Preregistration is a must.
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