T17 - Important Philmont Info
posted 03/18/13
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Important information for those that have requested a slot for Philmont this summer. Within the next two weeks, each crew will need to select treks for Philmont. Each person interested in going to Philmont should make a priority list for themselves and determine what things are important for you to experience at Philmont. Some considerations - Trek length - treks vary from 55-105 miles in length. Consider your ability here. No matter what shape you are in, you are not ready - this is an extremely physically demanding activity. Also consider that if you are hiking longer distances on a daily basis, you may not be able to take advantage of all the other activities available at the camps. Activities - what activities are you interested in at Philmont? To see the full list of activities/programs, see http://www.scouting.org/filestore/philmont/camping/2013itinerary/Program_by_Itinerary.png. You should rate each activity in order of importance to you. For those that have been before you can see the full list of itineraries at http://www.philmontscoutranch.org/Camping/TrekPlanning/~/link.aspx?_id=5AACEC8FADB44047AAF4606CB49AEA3C&_z=z. Understand that the entire crew will need to work together to select an itinerary. Knowing what you want to get out of your Philmont experience will help you determine which itinerary is best for you. Each crew will need to select 3 itineraries and rate them 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. The Troop has to submit itineraries on April 3rd. They are first come, first served. I cannot stress enough the physical requirements to attend Philmont. If you have not been actively working out with your pack on, you are behind and need to make a serious commitment for the next four months. See Philmonts risk advisory at http://www.philmontscoutranch.org/Camping/WhoCanCome/risks.aspx. Philmonts "Guidebook To Adventure" is available online at http://www.philmontscoutranch.org/filestore/philmont/pdf/GuidebookToAdventure.pdf. The Philmont Committee is meeting this week to make final crew assignments. They will make every attempt to match your requests for crew membership. For adults, we have more adults requesting slots than we have slots for them. For Scouts, we still have some open slots. If you are interested in joining us, call me today. The committee will take swap requests from Scouts after the crews are announced. The primary objective of the committee is to put similarly qualified Scouts in the same crews. This allows for a better balance within the crew and will ideally align all the crew members Philmont goals to a single itinerary. We will have a MANDATORY PHILMONT MEETING at 6:30 next Tuesday (March 26th) at St. Stephen. Please plan on attending. See you Tuesday, Mr. Turner
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