T17 - Merit Badge Notes
posted 03/19/13
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Merit Badge Notes Personal Fitness MB - Its Spring and time to get in shape with the Personal Fitness MB! For completion of the requirements, one must complete a log over the 12 weeks, recording the activities completed. Remember that the fitness plan needs to be approved by your counselor (aka me - Mrs Smith) and your parents prior to starting your 12 weeks of training. Once you begin your training, you will record your daily activities for your log each day that you exercise. The goal is for you to better understand the components of a fitness plan, learn the discipline and endurance needed, and hopefully experience the satisfaction of an improved personal fitness level. Fitness Plans are due to Mrs Smith by March 26th. Once your plan has been turned in and approved, you may begin your workouts. You may return them to me or my husband at the scout meetings on March 19th or 26th, or better yet, email them to smith_1@mac.com. If you have not completed your initial fitness tests and run and are interested in completing this MB, contact me immediately! Thanks, Mrs Smith 817-996-7797 cell Citizenship in the Nation MB Scouts - Watch this Council work shop regarding Annexation for the requirement of following a City Council Agenda Item... http://fortworthgov.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=1615. You dont need to open and read the power pointsection; they cover the info during the presentation. Write down the Who, What, When, Where , Why about City Annexations. Remember just a few paragraphs on the issue. Of course I am going to want you to be able to have some discussion about the topic. Mr. Key PMMB Scouts, I will be at the first part of the troop meeting tonight, 19 March to review the corrections to your folders and to collect your essays on procrastination. Ill have blue cards ready for those of you who turn in your corrected work & essays. For those who dont, well, youll just have the Blues! Mr. Edmonds 817-805-3248 See you tonight, Mr. Turner
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