T17 - April 6th Worth Ranch Work Day
posted 04/05/13
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Subject: April 6th Worth Ranch Work Day Who: Troop 17 Philmont Trekers and Worth Ranch Aficionados What: Worth Ranch Work Day Where: The Big Adventure end of Worth Ranch Road When: April 6, 2013 7:30 5:?? Why: That Spirit Wild and Strange is calling you to that Old Kyle Mountain Range http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e765878d785abb3c&llr=8ka7rqeab April is a great time to visit Worth Ranch and rain or shine we will have some great projects that will really make a difference at the ranch. This workday is the start of getting things ready for the outstanding program and experience that Scouts and Scouters will have this Summer at Worth Ranch. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at Roeser Hall. Breakfast will start at 7:30 and projects will begin soon after. It is a good idea to bring a pair of work gloves if you have them but no other equipment is needed unless you have special tools or experience and can volunteer to bring out some things. Summary of the planned projects Oscar Bilger Lodge Renovations: Work will continue on the renovation of the old Program Building. Jim Goldthwaite is needing help both skilled and unskilled to assist with interior and exterior work. We will be installing FRP wall panels in the restrooms, installing electrical fixtures and doing trim work. There are lots of details to complete before the summer program begins. Pool Projects The pool crew will be filling the filter with sand (one scoop at a time) and the cleaning both pools so that we can begin filling them after the workday. Power washing the walls of the pool and getting it to sparkle is on the agenda at the Pool. Winter Sports Area: This project is moving forward all the time so depending on where the project is on April 6th will determine what work needs to be done. Yes, you read this correctly, Winter Sports Area Snow Sports Merit Badge will be offered this summer at WR! On the new artificial surface ski slope on the side of Kyle Mountain But, to get it ready in time, there is a lot of work to be done before we can Ski Kyle Mountain! Camper Tent Platform Repairs: It is time to once again make a run through our platform supply and make repairs to those that are in need. Replacing boards, tightening screws and reinforcing where needed. Not every one at WR gets to camp on a concrete pad, some troops use wood platforms. These need some TLC before camp begins. Battery Powered Drivers are the tool of choice if you sign up for this project. Tent Frames: We will be cutting pipe for the new scout and staff tent frames up at the warehouse. 100 new tents have been purchased for WR. The new tents use steel frames rather than the wood poles of the past. This new system is worth the time to check it out. 12 segments of pipe are needed for each tent do the math and youll understand why we need help on this. Trading Post: We will be assembling and setting up new displays for the newly remodeled trading post. A complete renovation of the trading post is underway, check it out! Museum Shelter: Bryan Bogle is working on the new shelter on the back side of the museum. The slab is poured and now its time to work on the structure and the roof. Saturday he plans on stripping shingles off the roof and preparing the Museum for the new standing seam metal roof. Wear heavy boots and gloves Based on attendance, other small projects may be added to the list of projects. Please register so we know that you are coming. The food needs to be purchased and the project list needs manpower assigned. Register now and let us know you will be there! http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e765878d785abb3c&llr=8ka7rqeab We will be there rain or shine, with plenty to do so even if its raining, bring a buddy and head west on April 6th. Jim Goldthwaite podunk@worthranch.com
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