T17 - Wilderness Survival and the Troop Website
posted 11/08/13
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While the subject of this message may appear to be a dichotomy, bear with me... (did you catch that... a "bear" in a "wilderness survival" email?) The Wilderness Survival Merit Badge handout is available at http://forms.troop17.net/forms/MB_Wilderness_Survival.pdf. If you are working on the Merit Badge, please review this handout while you are packing for the campout (it was also distributed at the Scout meeting). Also on the website (heres the transition)... http://forms.troop17.net - this public site does not require a login and has a list of frequently downloaded documents including blank permission slips, adult applications, medical forms, Eagle Project workbooks, and TCU fundraising information. http://www.troop17.net/photos - this will give you access to our photo album (after you login). We post pictures from all the events we can (if you have pictures to add, please put them on a USB drive, CD, or DVD and bring them to a Scout meeting. Stephen Fitzwater is kind enough to upload them for us). For parents of "older" Scouts, I have an archive of photos going back through 2002. If you need access to this, please let me know and I can send you the link. http://www.troop17.net/morenews.asp - this is a copy of all the public announcements that I send via email going back through May of 2009. If there are other things that you would like to see on our site, either publicly available or available with a login, please feel free to let me know. See you tonight, Mr. Turner
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