Updates and Reminders - November 5, 2009
posted 11/07/09
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Troop 17 has a very busy month ahead. Please make sure these dates are on your calendars: November 3: Kandersteg payment of $300 was due. November 10: Troop dues. Its that time of year again. Troop dues of $35 per scout and $25 per adult are due. November 8: Bulb Sale at St. Stephen. Bring your bulbs and sell them at the 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM services. Wear your full Class A and arrive at 8:45 AM. Mr. Rekieta is corrdinating this event. November 11: Veterans Day. We will place and remove flags in the Tanglewood neighborhood at 7:00 AM and *5:30* PM respectively. Please meet at Roger Normans house at 3204 Sweetbriar 76109. Dr. Mathe is coordinating this event. November 13-15: Cycling Campout at SR2. Poop sheets and permission slips were handed out at the meeing on Tuesday. Please bring your completed permission slip and cash to the meeting next Tuesday. November 22: Bulb and Bake Sale at St. Stephen. Bring your bulbs and sell them at the 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM services. We also need baked items like cookies, pies, brownies, etc. Wear your full Class A and arrive at 8:45 AM. Mr. Rekieta is corrdinating this event. December 13-15: Flour War campout at Worth Ranch. Weve had a lot of interest from Webelos in this campout this year so lets have a big group. Mr. Duke will not be available next week as he will be in Mexico climbing mountains for Big City Mountaineers Summit for Someone climb series to benefit at-risk urban teens. Feel free to contact Mr. Bogle, Mr. Rekieta or Mr. Lyles if you have any questions.
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