T17 - WR Work Day This Saturday
posted 01/02/14
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From Mr. Goldthwaite... Troop 17 http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=8ka7rqeab&oeidk=a07e8o7fr2c9f3457dd I Hope you will be able to attend the upcoming work day at Worth Ranch on Saturday, January 4th. The above link will take you to register for the event. It is important that you sign up early so the meal planning can be accurate. There are a number of projects for the weekend, They include helping Shawn Cox and Greyson Bogle reroof a latrine in the Crockett Campsite. Winter Sports Area (Charlie Martin): They will be working on the Ski Deck and laying out the special fabric for the ski slope surface. Brush Crew (David Moller): We will be working on removing some of the brush from along the road coming into camp in order to widen the fire break that might hinder fire fighters attempt to get into the camp in the event of a brush fire. As in the past we will be using a chipper to grind the trees so that they can be used on trails throughout the camp. Duncan Hall/Staff Hill Fence (Ken Majka): Ken will be heading up a crew to add to an existing fence to reduce pedestrian traffic in certain locations on the side of the hill and provide a safety barrier in areas where falls could occur. They will also be evaluating the parking lot fence and doing some preliminary work as they begin to repair that fence. Camp Road Gates (Don Allen): Don Allen will be heading up a crew to install gates in various locations in the camp to prevent vehicle traffic from gaining access to service roads intended only for the Ranger and emergency vehicles. Oscar Bilger Lodge: Help Mr. Bogle work on the outside of Oscar Bilger Lodge, or Mr. Goldthwaite work on the inside of the OBL. Scheduled work projects on OBL for the work day are significant and your help is really needed. The OBL plan calls for work on: 1) The installation of the last wall cabinet above the washing machine and installing a counter top in the laundry room. 2) Finishing the installation of rubber base molding in bathroom # 1 3) Installation of the new kitchen cabinets in room # 1 4) Install of the door casing and baseboards in room # 4 along with the fitting of the wainscot paneling and chair rail. 5) Re-Location of three pallets of pave stones from the front of the building to the west end. 6) The transport and placement of multiple dump truck loads of soil from the Archery Range to the south side of the OBL building. 7) The start of work on the building exterior. This includes putting up new house wrap and tar paper on the outside of the building. A really import work day if there ever was one! This is an ambitious list of projects which will require every ones help. So, please register for the work day! http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=8ka7rqeab&oeidk=a07e8o7fr2c9f3457dd There will be a special guest helping us in Oscar Bilger Lodge, Jim Bilger, son of Worth Ranch Ranger, Oscar Bilger. So please make a point of saying hello and letting him know how much Worth Ranch means to you! Hopefully, he will have lots of stories about growing up at WR. You wont want to miss meeting him and hearing about WR in the late fifties and early sixties. I am looking forward to seeing you at WR on January 4th! - Mr. Goldthwaite 817 929-3525
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