Updates and Reminders - November 17, 2009
posted 11/17/09
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Its the most wonderful time of the year and Troop 17 is staying extremely busy. Mr. E is holding Personal Management Merit badge class tonight at the scout lodge at 6:30. You guys know who you are! Dont forget the November Kandersteg payment which was due November 1ish. If we keep up with payments its much less painful. I think the PMMB boys would agree. Please turn in your bulb money to Mr. Bogle as you sell your bulbs. Bulbs basically sell themselves so all you have to do is the legwork. Troop dues of $35 per scout and $25 per adult are due. Dues cover your membership, Boys Life magazine, and limited insurance on events. Please see Mrs. Richardson. We have a bake sale and bulb sale at St. Stephen on Sunday November 22. Bring your bulbs and sell them at the 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM services. We also need baked items like cookies, pies, brownies, etc. Wear your full Class A and arrive at 8:45 AM. Mr. Rekieta is coordinating this event. The candy sale originaly shown in November has been pushed to next spring. Apparently the Salvation Army Bell Ringers had their reservations in earlier. Online popocorn sales end December 5. If you havent lready, set up your site and work over your friends and relatives. The popocorn is good, the cause is bettter. The Flour War campout will be December 11-13 at Worth Ranch. We have seen a lot of interest from Webelos so we need a big showing. Keep this weekend clear and work on your best strategies. Mr. Duke returned safely on Sunday from his mountaineering trip in Mexico after successfully summitting the 3rd and 7th highest peaks in North Ameica as well as meeting his fundraising goal for Big City Mountaineers. Stand by for details of an upcoming slide show to be presented at a future troop meeting.
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