T17 - 9 Days Away!
posted 07/03/14
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Are you ready for 13,167 feet?!?! In just under 210 hours, we leave for Wheeler Peak, New Mexico! (not that wimpy Wheeler Peak in Nevada at only 13,065 feet!). There are two very important things you need to review and return on Tuesday... All adults and Scouts attending the trip should have a completed BSA Medical Form on file with us. Everyone that attended Summer Camp has one already. If you need to complete one, it can be downloaded at http://forms.troop17.net/forms/MedicalForm2014.pdf Everyone attending should also have a completed permission slip turned in on Tuesday. It can be downloaded at http://www.troop17.net/docs_public/current_info.pdf Please carefully review the poop sheet on the front page of the website or at http://www.troop17.net/docs_public/current_info.pdf All adults must have completed YPT training (online version is acceptable for this trip). Go to https://myscouting.scouting.org to take the course. Thanks, Mr. Turner PS - Do not forget that Friday is a Summer Flag Holiday. We will meet at 7am and 7pm on Sweetbriar Lane in the Tanglewood neighborhood to put up and take down flags for the holiday. This is one of our Troop fundraisers. See you there! DT
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