T17 - Tuesdays Schedule
posted 11/10/14
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There is a lot going on Tuesday, please review the notes below... 7:00 am - Last day of the 2014 Flag Program - we will put out American flags in the Tanglewood neighborhood for Veterans day. Questions? - Call Mr. Taylor 817-291-8786 5:30 pm - Take down the flags 6:30 pm - Personal Management Merit Badge - from Mr. Edmonds - PMMB scouts, We will meet this Tuesday, 11 November at 6:30 p.m. at the HMSL. Please be on time and come prepared with the tools of the trade. We will discuss requirements 4 & 7. Read over these sections in your pamphlet so you can participate in our lively discussion. Once again, I need to see your 13 week budget. Use the format found on pages 22 & 23. There is just enough time for everyone to finish before the 17 February deadline, please dont procrastinate! See you Tuesday , Mr. Edmonds 817-805-3248 7:30pm - Scout Meeting - I am out of town this week. Mr. Goldthwaite will be approving menus for the patrols in my place (be sure to include something with onions in your menu to guarantee a favorable approval from him). Mr. Bogle will be getting attendance counts from the patrol leaders. Patrol leaders, please be sure you know who is going to attend...maybe you could even call them before Tuesday so you know who is coming. Parents - this is a great campout to join us on, especially if you have not camped with us before. Please be sure to let Mr. Key know (personally or by signing up at the Scout lodge Tuesday night). Our merry group of OF is always looking for more parents to join us. Thanks, Mr. Turner
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