Updates and Reminders - February 24, 2010
posted 03/11/10
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We all made it back from backpacking in the mud. What fun! Some adults are working on putting together a plan to meet a couple times a week and hike the ramps and stairs at Amon Carter Stadium to train for Kandersteg. Stand by for more information. From Mr Gonzalez: Family Life Merit Badge: We have completed the 3nd week of Family Life Merit Badge the scouts signed up for this MB session are: 1.Morgan Hix 6.Wilder Bogle 11.Martin Payne 2.Emerson Lyles 7.Canston Fitzwater 3.Antonio Mireles 8.Adam Turner 4.Beau Blake 9.William Lyles 5.Matthew Richardson 10.Jake Mallison Signed but have not attended classes: 11.Matt Keller 12.Heyward Manning Remember you need to attend the meetings and do the work (forms) to earn this merit badge. Scouts should have the following done to stay on schedule: Family Life Outline (requirement 1) is due on Tuesday Feb. 9,2010,, to be completed the write-up and an informal discussion with Parent(s) needs to have been completed by Tuesday ReqdDescriptionDate DueBook Ref Pages 1.What is a Family02/09/20107-16 & 41Parents Initial on outline form 2.Why I am Important to my Family02/09/201017Parents Initial on outline form 3.Home Duties & Chore List05/23/201019-20Parents initial and counselor approval 4.Personal Project03/30/201021-22Parents initial and counselor approval 5.Family Project04/06/201023-26Parents initial, family participation and counselor approval 6.Family Meeting03/09/201031-49Parents initial and counselor approval 7.Parenting05/16/201054-59Parents initial and counselor approval Note: to complete requirement 3 by the final meeting in May you should begin the Daily Check List by this Sunday 21 February. Make sure you have your blue card with you and that it is initiled when you complete a requirement. I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday February 24, 2010 at 6:45PM, Job Gonzalez/Family Life Merit Badge Counselor
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