Updates and Reminders - March 3, 2010
posted 03/11/10
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Troop 17 has had three Webelos bridge into the troop. We have more coming this month. Lets welcome these boys to Troop 17! Mr. Johnson (Levis dad) is leading a Kandersteg training group! They meet Tuesday at 6:00 PM and Sunday at 12:00 noon at Amon Carter Stadium on the TCU campus to walk ramps and stairs. This is an easy way to stay "physically strong" and prepare for our adventure in the Swiss Alps. We are catering a Blue & Gold Banquet for Pack 556 on Friday March 26. This is also the night we will leave for our March campout. The Staff is planning to load the trailer Tuesday during the meeting and meet at All Saints School Friday evening for the B&G. We will have Webelos bridging so they can immediately join us on their irst Boy Scouting adventure! Stand by for more details from Mr. Rekieta. Mr. Rekieta will be holding a Space Exploration Merit Badge class Tuesday March 9 at 6:45 PM at the scout lodge. This months campout activity, rocketry, is a great opportunity to earn another badge. Dr. Mathe has announced that First Aid Merit Badge classes will start after spring break. He asks that scouts be First Class or almost First Class to participate. From Mrs. Smith regarding Music MB: Please remember to work on Requirements #3 and #4 at home and complete your worksheet. Please remember that each of you needs to arrange a time with me to perform your musical talent (Requirement #1.) We can meet prior to Tuesday scout meetings if scheduled. Finally, summer camp at Worth Ranch is rapidly approaching. This year the cost will be $215 for scouts and $100 ($20/day) for adults. Payments may be made to Troop 17 the first week in April and the first week in May. Wed like every scout to attend summer camp so if you think you may need financial assistance, please contact Mr. Duke directly
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