Updates and Reminders - March 9, 2010
posted 03/11/10
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For those needing service hours, JD Dukes Eagle project will be this Saturday March 13 at 8:30 AM at JT Stevens Elementary School. Bring shovels, hoes, rakes, gloves, and wheelbarrows if you have them. We have a few slots still available for Kandersteg and several scouts have shown interest. We only have 50 slots available so make your $250 non-refundable deposit to lock in your seat. If you are going to Kandersteg, wed like to have you paid to $1,450 by Spring Break. After your April payment ths will bring you to $1,750 and we will be evaluating the fundraising distribution to develop the final payment. For those joining us late, we will be having another fundraising month with concessions at the Ballpark in May. Keep your calendar open and check www.troop17.net for signu information. We are trying to set up a one-day candy blitz on April 3 and are looking for committments from scouts to participate. This is the Saturday before Easter so we are looking ofr firm committments. Please email Susan Marshall From Mr. Rekieta: Space Exploration Merit Badge Meeting 6:45pm Tuesday March 9th We will begin this Merit Badge on Tuesday, March 9th and work on it over the March 26th Rocket Campout. Merit Badge Book is not required but an be a great source of information. I will have handouts and requirements at this Tuesdays meeting. See you Tuesday, Mr. Rekieta Troop 17 has a proud tradition of having our Scouts serve their country in military service. If you have any interest in exploring the option of attending one of the United States military academies, Kay Grangers office is coordinating a presentation jointly sponsored by the North Texas Congressional Delegation. Please see the infomation and flyer in the news section
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