T17 - Attention Parents
posted 08/31/15
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Since our boys all went back to school this past week, I thought I would offer a quick vocabulary lesson for the parents Volunteerism: The policy or practice of volunteering ones time or talents for charitable, educational, or other worthwhile activities, especially in ones community. Why is that definition timely this week? With the start of school, there will be a ton of groups asking for your time and talents. I would ask that you include Scouts in your volunteerism plans. We arent looking for someone to be Scoutmaster, or to come on every campout, or lead every meeting (Scouts do that) - we are looking for some folks to step up and take on a few small things. One of the things that attracted our family to this troop was parental involvement. There was a great group of adults that came to the Scout meetings and were available to the Scouts if they needed some advice, counsel, or just a friendly adult face to say hello to. As the years have continued on, so have some of the families. A lot of our regulars were parents of Scouts that are now in college or beyond. We...and the Scouts...need your help. Do you have a free Tuesday evening? Stop by and talk to a Scout about life, your career, sit on a board of review or just say hello and hang out with us. Do you have a free afternoon to help with things around the lodge or maybe some "back office" type work? Do you have a free weekend? Come camping with us. We have a lot of fun things planned this year and while the Scouts handle the program, it takes adults to handle the logistics and support the Scouts. You do not have to be a lumberjack or a mountain goat to camp with us. We can get you everything you need. While your own son may claim to be embarrassed by everything you do, they need you...Scouts need the adult influences around them...and they want to see you involved in this time in their lives...no matter what they say. Have I been successful in inspiring your volunteerism? Let me know or just stop by any Tuesday. Thanks for your support, Mr. Turner
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