T17 - Personal Management Merit Badge
posted 08/31/15
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Greetings Scouts, Its almost September, so it must be time for PMMB. Over the summer Ive made a couple announcements and talked with a few of you about my upcoming course in personal management. Because of the advanced nature of the material, I do impose a couple of prerequisites. Scouts must be at least fourteen and 1st Class or above in rank. However, if you are close in age or rank, come to our first meeting and we can talk. The first meeting will be on Tuesday, 1 September, at the HMSL at 6:30 pm. This Eagle Required merit badge is only offered once a year in September, and it takes a minimum of 13 weeks to complete all the requirements. So, dont miss out! Please get a pamphlet prior to our first meeting and familiarize yourself with the material. I will pass out an outline of my expectations and your deadlines. As always, I look forward to working with each of you in your quest for a life made simpler through personal management. See you on the 1st! Mr. Edmonds 817-805-3248 allenedmonds@hotmail.com
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