Updates and Reminders - April 12, 2010
posted 04/12/10
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On April 12 at 7:00 PM, Mr. Duke will be presenting a slide show at Backwoods on 7th street on his experiences on the Volcanoes of Mexico and the Summit for Someone program. Feel free to stop by for an evening of photographs, video and mountaineering tales. On April 13, we will have a new parents (or parents needing a review) meeting at 7:30 PM in the Eastminster Room of the church during the regular scout meeting. All parents of scouts who have joined Troop 17 in the last year or so are encouraged to attend. This is a great chance to get all of the information you need about Troop 17. Please bring your permission slip and money (IN CASH) to the troop meeting on April 13, 2010. Patrol Leaders buy the food using the cash and they have great difficulty with any other payment method. On April 27, Tarrant County passport staff will be at the church to assist with passport applications. They will be available from 5:30 PM until everyone is done in the Eastminster Room in the church. We will need to park at the Scout Lodge and walk up the hill due to another church activity. Please see the attached information for required items for applying for passports. APPLICANTS UNDER AGE 18 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A NATURAL PARENT, NAMED ON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE OR A LEGAL GUARDIAN WITH CERTIFIED COURT ORDER SHOWING GUARDIANSHIP (NO EXCEPTIONS CAN BE MADE TO THIS REQUIREMENT)** **ALSO: CHILDREN UNDER 16 YEARS OF AGE MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY BOTH PARENTS WHEN APPLYING. If you are going to Kandersteg, please sign up for rangers Concessions during May at www.troop17.net The aluminum can drive wraps up next month and Hawk is in the lead but Eagle can catch them. In fact, any patrol can catch them if theyll bring in their aluminum cans! The prize is eating with the OF on the Aquatics and Advancement campout in May.
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