T17 - Quick Tuesday Notes
posted 04/05/16
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Merit Badge Notes Bill Peterson 4/4/2016 12:00:34 PM If you would like to start Family Life Merit Badge and have not met with me yet, it is not too late. We will have a catchup session at the Scout Lodge at 7:00pm, before the regular troop meeting. You will need to bring paper, pencil and an Eagle attitude. We will be putting together our workbooks and going over the requirements & schedule. We will also be discussing the first requirement "What is a Family". See you then. - Mr. Peterson Corey Mandel 4/5/2016 9:45:04 AM For the future Environmental Scientists of the world, something has come up and I will not be able to make it to the lodge early today. Therefore, we will postpone this weeks meeting until next week April 12. Hopefully, you can all find something productive to do with your time. Next campout is April 15th - April 17th. We are headed to the Wichita Mountains in Oklahoma for one of our most popular campouts. Be sure this is on your calendar!
See you tonight, Mr. Turner
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