T17 - Last Minute Medical Forms
posted 06/16/16
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For any of you that are still bringing medical forms to my house, please review the list below to ensure that we do not have to meet again to get something else filled out before Sunday... This must be on the BSA form available at www.troop17.net/forms Front page "A" Checkbox "none" on restrictions to participate. Names filled in for people authorized to pick up youth. Part "B" Describe the nature of allergies. Does your son get a rash or stop breathing - this is much more informative than just checking "yes". Check your selection to allow us to administer over the counter medication to your son. Our preference is "yes" but that is your call. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen are the most common items we may use at camp. Benadryl comes in handy with mountain cedar too. Sign below the medications section. Please list the dates for the immunizations instead of writing "see attached". "See attached" means that I have to go interpret the dates and fill them in. Part "B" page 2 Complete the Health History section. Be descriptive if you check yes on Asthma. Many people have or have had this. We just need to know the risk level on this. A sudden onset of debilitating asthma without an inhaler is not a good thing. Part "C" Be sure your physician has signed within the past 12 months. We definitely do not want to have to send anyone back to Fort Worth on Sunday! Mr. Turner
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