T17 - Scout News
posted 08/30/16
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Here are some random notes that I have been collecting. Please be sure to read through each of them... The Staff Patrol is meeting in the Eastminster room at 6:45pm for a presentation on the Scotland trip. More information on the trip will be available after the Staff provides input into the itinerary. Personal Fitness MB is meeting September 6th (next week) at 6:45 with Mrs. Smith. As a reminder and for those new to the Troop, the Troop calendar is posted online at http://www.troop17.net/calendar.asp You can also subscribe to the calendar by subscribing to this link from your iPhone or Outlook - https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/scoutmaster%40troop17.net/public/basic.ics - This is very handy to have loaded into your phone. This Saturday is the first TCU game of the season. While it is nice to have 17 people signed up, we still need 5 or so more volunteers. More information on this will come in a separate email Another reminder, if you need a Scoutmaster conference, please be sure to see me at the beginning of a meeting so I can put your on the list. See me regularly! If you need a board of review, please make sure Mr. Lyles has you on his list. Everyone is back to school at this point with a lot of conflicting activities. Please be sure that you are still keeping Scouts in your weekly plan. Do not let your attendance slip below the 50% mark, or even lower as it is hard to catch up afterwards. This is going to be a great Fall camping season with a number of great events already planned by the Staff. I am really looking forward to it. See you tonight, Mr. Turner
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