Updates and Reminders - May 17, 2010 - Court of Ho
posted 05/19/10
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Troop 17 has returned from another muddy campout where the lake was closed. The good news: we accomplished much advancement. A Court of Honor is tomorrow night at 7:30 PM in the parish hall. We will recognize all of the scouts who have earned awards since our last Court of Honor. The whole family is invited to attend. A Kandersteg presentation will follow the Court of Honor so you wontt want to miss it. We should also have gear lists, permissions slips, consent for treatment, physical forms, etc. Worth Ranch is just around the corner. If you havent yet, please pay Mrs. Richardson $215 for the week. Adults are $20 per day or $100 for the week. If you were not on the campout, see Mr. Lyles so you can sign up for merit badge clases. We register for classes this week so sign up so you get the mrit badges you want. Remember, we need a large group to get that top side campsite we like so much! BSA changed the Physical Form so all scouts and adults are required to have a physical every year. This physical will be good for Worth Ranch, Kandersteg, and all scouting events for one year. the new form may be found at http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34605_Letter.pdf. Adults going to Worth Ranch or Kandersteg must have completed Youth Protection Training. This training is available on line at http://olc.scouting.org/. Adults going to Kandersteg must also be registered Boy Scout leaders. Please see Mr. Lyles for the application and pay the $25 fee. It is going to be a busy summer so BE PREPARED.
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