T17 - Scotland Trip - Action Required
posted 11/09/16
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As the months are turning into weeks left before our Scotland trip, we need to get a firm commitment from anyone wanting to go on the trip. By Black Friday (November 25th), we need a $250 deposit from each participant (we thought you could twist the arms of your relatives at the dinner table on Thanksgiving to see if they could help "sponsor" you or your scout attending). The itinerary is available online at http://www.troop17.net/docs_public/Scotland_Itinerary_2017.pdf. The trip is open to any active Scout or Adult. The term "active" means they have camped with the troop on more than one weekend campout between now and the trip. Obviously we want to ensure that you or your scout has the basic camping skills to be successful on the Scotland trip. There is no minimum age or rank requirement to participate. This is a T17 trip instead of a BSA High Adventure Program trip. The target cost of the trip is $2,500 after applying troop fundraising. Keep in mind, the more we fundraise, the lower the cost number gets. The Troop Committee has made a significant commitment to fund this trip. The final cost figure could also change depending on the number of participants in the trip. This is why we need to hear from you now so that the Scotland Committee can continue planning for our accommodations, etc. This trip is a once in a lifetime event for a scout. In our last international trip to the scout camp in Kandersteg, Switzerland in 2010, we had scouts that had never been out of the country before, never been out of Texas before, and one that had never been on a plane before. Some of our scouts still have maintained connections with scouts that they met in Kandersteg. I want to really encourage you and your son to strongly consider participating in this trip. Dont forget, the $250 deposit is due by November 25th. If you have questions, you can send them to gotoscotland@troop17.net or see me at any scout meeting. I am really looking forward to this trip! Mr. Turner
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